When I try to update from 10907 to 10908 locally, I see that every time I validate the order, the create_account. php page is systematically displayed instead of login.php.
At first I thought it was the PWA (purchase without account) addon in cause, but no, appologies about that.
I did a lot of testing and came up with this solution, which is certainly not ‘official’, when I saw this command in the update.sql file:
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Checkout Redirect', 'CHECKOUT_REDIRECT', 'create_account.php', 'At checkout, redirect a new (not logged in) customer to create_account or login page?', 1, 23, 'Config::select_one([\'create_account.php\', \'login.php\'], ', NOW());
For the time being, I'm staying local while waiting for your assessment and, above all, a correction to my amateurism.
Thank you for your help.